Chown Command in Linux: How to Change File Ownership

How to Change Owner and Group of File in Linux Using chown Command

In this tutorial, We will understand and use the chown command in Linux through various examples.

The chown the command is used to change the ownership of the user and group on any directory, file, or symbolic link.
In Linux, all the files are related to an owner and a group and assigned with permission. Which shows the accessibility on file for the file owner, group member, and others.

How to Use chown

Before moving to examples, let’s review the syntax of the command.


USER represent the username or the user ID (UID) of the new owner. GROUP represent the name of the new group or the group ID (GID). FILE(s) is the name of one or more files (For multiple files use space to separate them), directories, or links. Numeric IDs should be prefixed with the + symbol.

  • USER – at the place of this if we only specify the user then that specified user will become the owner of the given files. The ownership of the group will not changed.
  • USER: – If we only specify the username with  :, and the group name is not given, then the user will become the owner and the group ownership also changed to user’s group.
  • USER:GROUP – here the user specified both user and group with : without any space then the ownership of the user and group changed as per the details.
  • :GROUP – If the User is omitted and only group name is provided after the : then only group ownership will be changed.
  • : If only a colon : is given, without specifying the user and the group, then no change will take place in the ownership.

To check chown work successfully or not :

Use ls -l command to check the user and group ownership of any file, directory:

ls -l testfile.txt
-rw-r--r-- 12 linuxpanda users 12.0K Apr  8 20:51 testfile.txt
|[-][-][-]-   [------] [---]
                |       |
                |       +-----------> Group
                +-------------------> Owner

Normal users can change the group only if they own the file. The root user can change the group and user ownership of all the files.

How to Change the Ownership of a File

To change the user ownership of a file using chown command then specify the new owner with the target file name:


For example, this command will change the ownership of a file Testfile to a new owner linuxpanda:

chown linuxpanda Testfile

To change the ownership of multiple files or directories, specify the username with file names and separate the names of the files with space. In the below example we will change the ownership of a file and directory. For example, a file is  Testfile and a directory Testdir to a new owner linuxpanda.

chown linuxpanda Testfile Testdir

In the command below, we will change the ownership of a file named Test file to a new owner. We will use UID 1001 (UID below 1001 are system reserved).

We can also specify the ownership of a file and Directory by using the UID. In the below example we will change the ownership of a file named Testfile to a new owner with UID 1001 (UID below 1001 are reserved by the system) :

chown 1001 Testfile

How to Change the Ownership and Group of a File

To change both the owner and the group of a file at the same time, use the chown command with a new owner and new group, separate them by a colon : without using the space in between them.


In the below example we will change the ownership of a file named Testfile to a new owner linuxpanda and the new group panda:

The following command will change the ownership of a file named file1 to a new owner named linuxpanda and group users:

chown linuxpanda:panda Testfile

If we omit the group name after the colon : then the group name will be the same as the user’s login group name :

chown linuxpanda: file1

How to Change the Group of a File

We can change the group ownership of a file, by using chown command with the colon : then specify the group name and the file name:


In the below example we will change the group of a file named as Testfile to Newgroup:

chown :Newgroup Testfile

chgrp also changes the group ownership of a file.

Whenever we try to change the ownership of the Symbolic Links, it will change the ownership of the directory or file which is pointed by the link, not the symbolic links themselves.

In the below example, we will try to change the owner and group of a symbolic_link which point to /home/user1/Downloads by using chown the command, but in this case chown command will change the ownership of the directory pointed by the symbolic link.

chown user1: symbolic_link

It may show some errors while changing the ownership. The error will be “cannot dereference ‘symbolic_link’: Permission denied”

Most of the Linux distribution symbolic links are protected, we can’t perform modification on the links. Due to this, we have to face such errors. The rules regarding protection are specified in /proc/sys/fs/protected_symlinks . Symbolic link protection must be enabled (1 means enabled and 0 means disabled).

To change the ownership of the symbolic, use chown -h command

To change the group ownership of the symlink itself, use the -h option:

chown -h user1 Link

How to Recursively Change the File Ownership

To change the ownership of the files and directories with subdirectories, Use recursive -R (-recursive) option with the chown command in Linux


In the below example, we will change the ownership of directories including subdirectories.

chown -R linuxpanda: /home/user/Downloads

To change the ownership of directories that include symbolic links, then we have to use chown -hR :

chown -hR linuxpanda: /home/user/Downloads

Using a Reference File

We can also change ownership of user and group a file by using a reference file, then  chown command with --reference=ref_file will change the ownership same as those of the specified in the reference_file.

chown --reference=reference_file FILE

In the below example, we will assign the user and group ownership of Testfile1 to Testfile2.

chown --reference=Testfile1 Testfile2


chown is a Linux command for changing the ownership of the user and group of a file.

For the complete detailed information about chown command, visit man chown or chown --help in the Linux terminal.

If you guys have any queries related to this, let me know in the comments.

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