Top 20 Most-Used Commands On Linux

Top 20 Most-Used Commands On Linux

Linux is the most used operating system. Linux is a free & open-source operating system, we can easily change anything on Linux. And Linux operating system provides a most powerful command-line interface. All Most-Used Commands On Linux run in the terminal. The terminal is provided by Linux operating system. All Linux commands are case-sensitive. We can do some basic tasks like creating files, deleting files, moving a file, etc.

Most-Used Linux Commands

man Command

man command displays the manual page of any command. Using the man command, you can know what a particular command works.

man cp
man command in linux with examples

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ls Command


ls is a firstly used command by every user in the Linux terminal. This command helps to show the list of directories & contents of the current directory.

is command in linux with examples

pwd Command

pwd command stands for “print working directory”. This command gives a path to the working directory.

pwd  command in linux with examples

cd Command

cd command stands for “change directory”. The cd command is used for changing the directory, which means we can switch from our current working directory to another directory with the help of the cd command.

For example:- If you are in your Linux servers /home/ directory and You want to go to another directory, then we will use this command like this.

cd /home/directory_name
cd command in linux with examples

mv Command

mv command stands for “move”. mv command is used to move the directories & files from one location to another location in our Linux system and we can also rename the files and directories using the mv command.

mv source_file destination_folder
mv command in linux with examples

cp Command

cp command stands for “copy”. cp command is used to copy a file & directory from one location to another location in our Linux system.

cp file.txt destination_path
cp command in linux with examples

If you want to copy the directory with their files and subdirectories. You can use the “-r” (recursive) argument option.

cp -r file.txt destination_path
cp  command in linux with examples

mkdir Command

mkdir command stands for “make directory”. mkdir command is used to create a new directory in the Linux system.

mkdir directory_name
mkdir command in linux with examples

cat Command

cat command stands for “concatenate”. The cat command is used to display the content of the file. By using the cat command, we can see the contents of files without opening a file.

cat file_name
cat command in linux with examples

df Command

If you want to know the Disk space of our Linux system, we can use the df command. By default, disk space is shown in Kilobytes (KB). If you want to see the disk space in the human-readable form, then you can use the “-h” argument.

df -h
df command in linux with examples

du Command

du command stands for “Disk Usage”. The du command is used to track the files and directories. That which files & directories are consuming an amount of space on disk.

If we want to see the particular directory and file usage, we can use the “-sh” argument. Using this display the size of the directory & file in human-readable form.

du -sh file_name
du command in linux with examples

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chmod Commands

chmod command stands for “change mode (Permissions)”. Using the chmod command, you can change the permissions of a file and directories. Permissions are like read “-r”, write “-w”, execute “-x”.

chmod 777 file_name
chmod Commands in linux oprating system


chown command stands for “change ownership”. Ownership means you can change the owner/user of a particular file and directory. For example, our file name is “linuxpanda.txt” and the default owner of this file is “root” if you want to change the owner of the file to a “Linux” user use the chown command.

chown user_name file_name
chown command for linux

chgrp Command

chgrp command stands for “change group ownership”. The chgrp command is used to change the ownership only for the particular groups. Group ownership means you can change the owner of a particular group of files and directories.

chgrp group_owner file_name
chgrp Command in linux


zip command is used to create a zip file. Using the zip command, you can compress the file and directory. unzip command is used to extract the zip files.

zip file.txt
zip/unzip commend for linux
unzip zip_filename
zip/unzip commend for linux - Most-Used Commands On Linux

top Command

The top command is used to show the list of a running process and how much load or CPU is being used.

top Command in linux - Most-Used Commands On Linux

history Command

history command displays a list of all the commands that you are used in the past.

history Command in linux oprating system - Most-Used Commands On Linux

adduser Command

adduser command is used to create a new user in the Linux server. Also, you can use the useradd command for creating a new user on the Linux server.

useradd newuser_name
adduser Command in linux - Most-Used Commands On Linux

passwd Command

passwd command is used to set and change the user account password, And access the user account with a new password in our terminal.

passwd user_name
passwd Command in linux oprating system - Most-Used Commands On Linux

apt Command

apt command stands for “Advanced Packaging Tool”. It is the most used package manager for Ubuntu. apt is used for installing and removing the services and packages on our Linux server.

apt install package_name
apt Command in linux  - Most-Used Commands On Linux

clear Command

clear command is used to clear the terminal screen. Using the clear command, you can clear all previous commands and provide a fresh terminal window.

Also, you can use Ctrl+L to clear the terminal window.

clear Command in linux - Most-Used Commands On Linux


In this tutorial, we have learned about the most-used Linux command and how to use the commands on Linux. We can use this tutorial for any Linux operating system like CentOS, Ubuntu, etc.

If you guys have any queries related to this tutorial, then let me know in the comments section.